Jan 25, 2014

DC & SS: Crystal

 dancing with crystals

I have a hard time erasing pencil lines, does that happen to you?
I think i am drawing light...
time to do the pencil test that a blog friend shared with me!

winter's crystals are precious to me
they are often born through the night
a morning delight

all conditions must be just right
for their temporary appearance

the forest becomes an enchanted place
and the tiniest breeze 
has crystals drifting through the air

Norma from The Fairy Yellow Bug Queen is our host 
of DC this week
Her prompt is: Crystal

thank you Norma!
also sharing with Sunday Sketches!


  1. She hangs in the balance, and her balance is GOOD! She is not going to lose her balance and that is a fact. Love the visual and the idea it portrays to my imagination. I like how the 'line' from the earth travels up through the crystal and on through the woman and on through her arm and so through the crystal she is holding and then is refracted into the ether and so the cycle continues. She is a conduit of crystal energy and light. I cannot describe how I love this. I love this. Norma, xo
    I have never seen crystals such as this in your photographs; formed like butterflies en masse. The way the light shines on them and through them is beyond words beautiful. So transient, as is life. Awesome visuals thanks Tammie Lee!!! :D

  2. Most lovely drawing, fascinating cristal-photos!

  3. Very sweet! Happy SS to you as well!

  4. Nora,
    Thank you for your lovely comment. I loved looking again at this piece through your words and spirit. Thank you for hosting this challenge, i love crystals in all shapes and sizes!

  5. Your photos are so beautiful with the light showing the delicate crystals of winter. I enjoyed your poem and your delicate drawing... Her pointed toes make her look so graceful. A morning delight for certain!

  6. Oh my beautiful enchanted art..such beauty and bliss..I love it..so pure! and woaah...your photos are awe-inspiring..absolutely immaculate..exquisite..inspirational..and visually mesmerizing..!
    And so wild..I did a photo post on a crystal..we fly on the same wavelength!
    Wishing you a happy day! Thanks again for the numen party last wkd!

  7. What a lovely drawing and also amazing photogrraphs. Happy SS

  8. Ohh Tammie I am breathless over your gradious photos! Wow you catch the fragility of the crystals so well!!! Loove ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  9. the theme made me think of Masaru Emoto
    the beautiful watercrystals and their hidden messages

    and your sweet drawing
    always soft and gentle
    a sweet dancer on Crystals


  10. Wonderful sketch, and amazing pictures! I've never seen crystals like that .....

  11. Lovely sketch ~ she seems so balanced on small space ~ rather 'zen like' ~ great photos of crystals ~

    carol, xxx

  12. All of your work is lovely. It has such a magical feel to it.

  13. ...loved this crystal-ly post! I've never seen crystals form on branches like in your last photo...so crystal-ly! :-)

  14. i love your sketch this week, and the ice craystals are so amazing! thank you for sharing them!

  15. Very beautiful crystals!

  16. I love frost crystals, Tammie Lee, but we haven't seen too many yet this winter here. thanks for sharing these beauties!

  17. I really like the idea of dancing on and with crystals but I'm totally crazy about your absolutely stunning crystal photos. I never saw this kind of breathtaking beautiful crystals on trees - will it obviously are not the right conditions here. Must be so wonderful to wonder through the forrest like in a fairytale - incredible! LOVE, love it!
    Barbara Bee

  18. I love the photos! They perfectly show the beauty of ice. I also love this girl dancing between the crystals!

  19. Enchanting indeed. I would love to experience this myself one day. Too mild here, but perhaps in Scotland.
    Wishing you a lovely week, Tammie.

  20. I really like how your drawing is as delicate as the crystals you've photographed! and magical of course
    what a sight!! simply glorious :)

  21. ~before i had even scrolled down...at the first glimpse of her face and hand...she dances with crystals came to mind...lol...and so she is...you clearly brought to life this dancing one!!! be well and much love light and blessings~

  22. ~before i had even scrolled down...at the first glimpse of her face and hand...she dances with crystals came to mind...lol...and so she is...you clearly brought to life this dancing one!!! be well and much love light and blessings~

  23. WOW those crystals are amazing!!! They look like tiny icy leaves! I love how you capture tiny details like that so beautifully. Love the drawing too- she has such a pretty face. I don't like erasing pencil lines either. In fact I have come around to actually preferring my drawings in pencil so have stopped outlining them with pen altogether. I like the pen in this one of yours though, it gives her a definiteness.

  24. Beautiful sketch! She has amazing balance! Love the crystals too, they are so beautiful.

  25. Anonymous1/27/2014

    a lovely drawing!!!

  26. Tammie I've missed a lot here lately, your magical lands are so beautiful and wow those crystals are breathtaking! Lovely sketch too...so much to enjoy here, thank you!

  27. I am reminded of what a tenuous time of year this is … so beautiful, cold and icy … as we await in anxious balance the coming of spring.

  28. Wow, thank your for sharing these incredible gifts from nature that you captured in your photographs and drawing!

    I know what you mean about not being able to erase pencil marks sometimes. Other times, the pencil erases but I've pressed too hard.

    The aqua brush you mentioned last week is a great idea that I'm going to try out.

  29. yes Tammie Lee, looking at crystals, taking in their colors and sparkling light feels like dancing with them, so nice to see you drawing that.

    your photos are making me wish for some more frosty nights and days, xx

  30. Those crystal ice images are gorgeous.. and paired with wonderful words.

  31. It is easy to appreciate the cold temperatures when shown through the beauty of your lens; such delicate icy prisms only possible in frigid weather. Trouble with erasing pencil lines? Maybe your lead is too hard... OR too soft. I use mechanical pencil 005 HB lead. It doesn't smear and erases easily. You can paint over it as well, and it disappears into your work. Glad you got the book!

  32. Nature is so beautiful. God is the creator of such wondrous perfection.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~