Mar 15, 2012

Watercolor Pencil and Gesso

recently, my dear friend Abigail taught me to use a Stabilo Aquarellable pencil
to sketch with and then take gesso to it to transform it into paint, much like one would take a wet brush
to a watercolor pencil. 
I believe she learned it from Misty Mawn.

This technique was quite challenging for me, 
 yet I have been hooked!
I have a wee moleskine 3.5"x5.5" journal and have been creating faces every chance I get with this technique.
Somehow i think it brings a new spirit to my art. I love this about new techniques!

see the sketch on the right:

then i work the lines with gesso:

something about one color, golden
and then the white gesso that is interesting to me:

i think this is my favorite, sorry the scan is a little blurry:
thank you for your visit
i so enjoy your company

if you would enjoy more art, visit Paint Party Friday!



  1. Nice work, and an interesting technique, must try it! Valerie

  2. It's always nice to try our new thing which lead us to new direction of our creative venture. Well Done!

  3. Tammie this is a great effect, I love your gesso effect with the water colour pencil...really inspiring! Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. I like the effect of one color also....your drawings are so beautiful.x

  5. Thank you for sharing this technique...ooh now I want to try it.... Loving all your drawings. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  6. These are beautiful! Thank you for sharing this very cool technique!

  7. Wonderful effect. I love all your faces.

  8. Wonderful creations with new technique ~ I agree with you I love the last one best ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

  9. Looks like a great technique! Thanks for sharing it!
    Really like the resulting tints...especially in the red-headed girl on the right!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  10. cool technique - i really like them all - but the golden lady has the most beautiful eyelashes!
    great work, happy friday - xx

  11. PS - I forgot to mention, I love the subtle butterfly wings in the first piece....great detail!

  12. Love Our Lady of the Pink Hat! :)

    You are one talented woman Tammie!

    Have a Most Blessed Weekend...


  13. ...such a beautiful creative adventure ~ many blessings to yoU! ~ on this new curve of the road!...

  14. I just recently ordered some aquarellable pencils to try out on wax. This looks like a very intriguing technique. I wonder if you can do it with acrylic? Your faces all are very interesting -- I love the monochromatic color scheme.

  15. Yes, it is interesting when you discover new techniques and certainly rewarding. Saludos

  16. Oh Tammie, I'm getting SO impressed, beautiful artwork!! =) I now feel I soon have to try it myself, it looks fun! I'll go and see what you have linked to.. :)

    Lovely weekend to you! :)

  17. Oh my..what a super fabulous post Tammie!!..Yay..such a gorgeous array of your work..all soulful and wonderful spirits...totally gorgeous!I love-love working with gesso is so magical I especaiily love it in I connect with your excitement.such fun...yay..shine on..beautiful stunning pieces!They are truly all magical!!

  18. Tammie, these are beautiful and what a great technique, I will have to try it... :)

  19. You have created beautiful faces with this techinque. I'll have to try it. I love working with my stabilo pencils using my waterbrush.
    Happy PPF!

  20. Very nice sketches, Tammie. Do you carry a watercolor brush with you...the kind you fill with water or do you just use the gesso?

  21. Lovely, interesting faces! Thank you for sharing the tecnique and happy PPF!

  22. fun that so many of you think this is an interesting technique to try. if you do, I would love to see what you create!

    hello Kim,

    lovely of you to stop by.

    I do carry a aqua brush with me (quite often) and a derwent inktense pencil or 5. when i am using gesso i choose a regular brush, and am loving a 'Bright' style brush for dissolving the pencil lines with gesso and water. for some reason i want to keep the aquabrush for watercolors only. maybe i fear not getting the gesso out of the aqua brush,,,, but really you can squirt the water through the bristles from behind cleaning it more thoroughly than a regular brush.

    I would love to see what you create if you give it a try.

    good weekend to you~


  23. Anonymous3/16/2012

    Each drawing is a personality. Do you start with an idea, or do they just develop as you work?

  24. Beautiful paintings! The technique is a little fuzzy to me but it is Sure working for you!

  25. Hi Sandy,
    I don't start with an idea, in fact hardly ever do i begin my art with an idea. Sometimes i start with their eyes, sometimes their nose, sometimes their mouth, and sometimes the shape of a face, but then i just go.... this is what i love, being surprised by each one. i actually don't enjoy trying to draw from an image... maybe some day i will like that. thanks for asking.

  26. Tammie Tammie Tammie! These are fabulous! I think you have found your technique. And yes, something about the golden color and white gesso is especially eye catching.

    I am just geeked for you!

  27. Very nice work. Love the techniques used. Thx for sharing. Happy PPF!

  28. Wonderful! I'm new to using Stabilo also through Misty Mawn and love it! Such a fabulous tool. I like the golden also - kind of reminds me of an old photograph. Happy PPF!

  29. Thank-you for showing us how you painted them. Very nice! Happy PPF!

  30. Oh my goodness, that's amazing! That's quite a transformation when you add the gesso. I can see how fun it is to watch a drawing come to life. I love your faces and the wonderful way you make noses. :D

    Have a marvelous weekend!

  31. Wow! Look at you go! They all look amazing and what a fun and interesting technique. I'll have to try that. I use the Stabilo pencil in most of my work but I've never tried it with Gesso.

    Thank you for always checking in on my blog. I appreciate you! xoxo

  32. I am such a coward, I rarely try anything new. But the results here are really interesting, especially the gold piece.

  33. I just bought that pencil after hearing a lecture by to watercolor teachers. They use it all the time in their landscapes. I shall have to play around with this. Love your faces and their spirits.
    Hope you are soon to be in Springtime. It is snowing here today....

  34. Typing with one hand today. Love you art

  35. Anonymous3/17/2012

    Thanks for sharing the details of the work.
    It is very interesting and the effect magnígico!
    Tammie kisses!

  36. Anonymous3/17/2012

    Great technique! The gesso gives it such an ethereal effect. Gesso is magical stuff. :-) Happy PPF late.

  37. Hi Tammie!!!! you have been very busy creating some amazing art....I love the cute wing on the first piece....well done!!!!

  38. oh tammie...what wonderful images are coming forth from this sweet time we shared recently! your spirit is soaring through through the mediums discovering more beauty flowing!
    xo abigail

  39. i love the combo of any trying new mediums too...i think adding the gesso adds such a beautiful depth to your already lovely drawings, well done!! happy PPF!

  40. I can feel the pleasure you get from your art in every picture....

  41. What a cool technique! It really makes your beautiful sketches POP!

  42. I was not familiar with this technique! I love all the faces you created. Especially the first one - she has such a sweet, soft quality to her.

  43. Wow, what an interesting technique. I will have to give it a try. I really like the effect. Happy painting!

  44. Sounds and looks like a very cool technique. I love the result. These are all fabulous!


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