Mar 17, 2012

March 17th

you would have been 
75 years of age today

Happy Birthday Papa

when i think of you
i feel the spirit of love


spring has begun to melt winter away
and yet today 2 inches plus snow graced our world.....

a couple weeks ago
ice crystals cloaked the forest trees:

and so the slow dance begins
of winter into spring


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  1. ...blessed be Tammie Lee! ~ 'tis my papa's birthday today also ~ he walks into his seventy-ninth year ~ may we all journey well dear kindred!...

  2. Love that face and hair!!
    I must confess that I am veru lucky for still having my parents, who sailing towards 80.

  3. Lovely sketch and the *frozen* photo is wonderful! Valerie

  4. Hi Tammie, very moving. Love the photo, those icicles are amazing.. :)

  5. Oh my! That photo of ice crystals is fantastic! :) And I love your green hair girl. We always remember birthdays, don't we even when the person is no longer with us to celebrate.

  6. gorgeous photo- i like your "green" girl too and the words to accompany it...nice!

  7. Oh what a lovely post Tammie.
    The painting is beautiful and its background is really interesting. I love the photo. It is really amazing.

  8. lovely as always to spend the day with you dearest tammie...the day of your father & my sister's birthdays...honoring st. patrick (loved your pinch!) and this lovely green haired beauty you've created!
    love all ways~

  9. love the green hair ~ she is beautiful as are your words and photos ~ hoping for spring soon too ~namaste, carol ^_^

  10. What a great piece, love that green hair and how it goes across the whole piece, great composition!

  11. Anonymous3/18/2012

    Lovely post and beautiful sketch :)

  12. Anonymous3/18/2012

    It moves me ...
    Tammie, certainly gets your message, sure ...
    A thousand kisses spring, my friend.

  13. So nice to "meet" you.Thank you for visiting Me and your kind comment.Your drawing of the girl is lovely and your poem is very nice-touching.Denise

  14. Love this green-haired girl. Happy belated St. Pat's!

  15. A poignant piece today Tammie - soft and gentle.
    Those ice crystals are really something - nature at her finest.

  16. Anonymous3/18/2012

    Perfect for the day.

  17. beautiful magical hair! love the photo as well

  18. lovely thoughts of your father. It is Mothering Sunday here...a special day too.

  19. wow...she is divine..gorgeous green essence..she is blissful! and hugs to you and to the spirit of your wonderful father!
    hugs and hugs

  20. me you seem the spirit of love also. You obviously have sweet memories of your Papa to treasure.
    Beautiful painting.
    Much love

  21. Lovely sentiment and beautiful work depicting it, and those ice crystals are truly awe inspiring...xx

  22. I like the gentle touch you have with color and say sooo much with such simplicity. Lovely!

    The snow crystal photo is awesome!

  23. What a lovely tribute to your father. And such a gorgeous painting and photograph. Spring has sprung everywhere here - our pussy willows are out and hyacinths are starting to pop, too.

  24. She's beautiful, I love the way she is translucent, and the textures.

    Beautiful photo as well!

  25. Love the green hair, perfect for this weekend!

  26. Anonymous3/19/2012

    Oh Tammie Lee... I was touched by this post, as my daddy would have turned 75 in February this year. He passed way too soon at only 48. They know they are loved.

    & the girl in green, she's full of life eternal!

  27. wonderful, wistful, hair lips crystals!

  28. Such gorgeous photos to tribute your papa! :)

    The first one here so dreamy.. I love the background coming through..
    and your gorgeous ice crystals! =)

  29. Lovely Green Lady Tammie!!!

    My Momma would have been 79 on St. Patrick's Day...I can't even imagine that. So we shared something deep and eternal in missing our loved ones.

    Your sharing was very poignant and beautiful as well as heart touching Tammie.

    (((Thinking of You)))

  30. a happy birthday to your grandpops, I am sure he is smiling upon you now!
    and what a trickster to bring snow at that! however, by looking at your photo some of the most beautiful ice formations Ive seen!

    Huge hugs and all the best to you, all those looking after you! xx

  31. happy birthday to your Papa, dear Tammie ♥


  32. i adore that green-haired dearheart (+ papa must have been dear himself!) + that ice formation is amazing!! xox

  33. A beautiful and tender post, Tammie... Art always shows true colors when it comes from the heart, don't you think? :)


  34. She's got a dream like quality, and, her green hair looks beautiful! It's great to remember your father. My dad would have been the same age, had I not lost him when he was 46. Makes me wonder often how he would have been.

  35. Oh, Tammie, this is a beautiful drawing. She has a dreamy, faraway gaze. I love these colors. Happy birthday to your dear father. He is surely smiling.

    I miss the transitions between seasons. So much back and forth drama. It's kind of exciting, never knowing what the next day brings.

    Hugs to you.

  36. Oh, my... she is beautiful! I love her green hair and her expression is gorgeous!

  37. Oh, my... she is beautiful! I love her green hair and her expression is gorgeous!


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~