Feb 5, 2011

Sketch to Drawing to Painting

I am taking a art class with Tam at Willowing
this is my first assignment

I began with a sketch
but had to bring it to life with prismacolor pencils:

Then back to the sketch to make the painting

This is the largest piece I have made, 15" x 22"

she got changed a bit:

and the owl
are kin
they are kin to the air and the wind
they are kin to trees
as well as flowers and bees
they are kin
 to life within

the assignment was for canvas
i had watercolor paper, so I used it

I think I will make a 3rd piece on canvas.....
I am finding it a good experience to do something similar over and over

I used watercolor pencils and crayons for her face
and her dress,
acrylics for the rest

the assignment was: a goddess with the artist Klimt as an inspiration
I found inspiration in two pieces:


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  1. Very beautiful! So kind of you to show us how you draw and paint it, step by step.. About Klint.. I have a small picture with a frame called
    "Lady with hat and feather boa" (Klimt)..

    I like your last drawing.. with the lady sitting by the tree and the owl up in the branch! :)

  2. GOR-geous Tammie..i love this..and seeing the whole process transform.wow...and now onto canvas..it will be just stunning! I feel a kindred spirited-ness with this one..owl has been a constant companion on my journey and my own special tree ..we often merge together there..so this was magical for me..BEAUTIFUL..powerful.. poetic and spiritually soultouching...thankyou for sharing your spiritual beauty in you art!

  3. This is so wonderful tammie - and I love to see the process as it evolves for you. Great to see it transform depending on which media you use too.



  4. Anonymous2/05/2011

    I like her, and the idea of doing the same subject in different mediums is very interesting. Your ladies are all stunning, and there is something very mysterious about each one. Spirits, maybe?

  5. Hello Ladies,
    So lovely of you to visit and leave messages for me. I love getting your messages!

    There is something about owls and trees that gets us, eh!

    I love it when people (you) feel a kindred to my art! That makes me feel as though I have touched the spirit of life within us. I am so happy this piece is meaningful to you.


    Thank you~

    I like the idea of doing the same (sort of) piece in a few ways also. I like that you feel there is something mysterious about my ladies.... you have inspired a smile.

    thank you all.


  6. They are both beautiful pieces! I'm in Tam's class, too. I am way behind! As always. You are doing so great with these! Theresa

  7. Hi Theresa,
    I look forward to seeing what you create in Tam's classes. She is a lovely teacher!

    Hello Sophia,

    It is fun having you with me on the journey of art!
    Thank you for being our lovely Sunday Sketch's host!


  8. She's a beauty... in all versions.

    Love the face.

  9. Hi Tammie,
    Just beautiful, and thanks for sharing the processes...

  10. This was a fantastic art post! I wish I could see your large piece in real life!!! I like that you use prismacolor pencils, they are so vibrant and lovely. These girls you have created turned out wonderfully and I think I should start trying different techniques with my same sketch over and over...it looks like you are getting a good experience from it. Your inspirations were fantastic as well. xoxo

  11. Anonymous2/06/2011

    Nicely made ..
    esp. the 2nd art work is simply perfect

  12. Hey Tammie - my post this week is from the Willowing class too - week 3 - angels and Mucha. I love watching how paintings evolve. You did a great job with this.

  13. oh nice....!! and lovely poem too..cool! :)

  14. Tammy!! so magical--I love these! I love Klimt's work!

  15. Hi Tammie,
    It is so very cool to see your drawing in different ways (I look forward to the canvas version too!) I love the tree and the patterns you've used... you can definitely see the Klimt inspiration in there... How great to run with it and make it your own...wonderful.

  16. She is beautiful, I really enjoyed seeing all the steps. I never thought to do one in color pencil and then paint, I can see where that would be advantageous.

  17. love the entire process being shared!!! She is beautiful!
    cheers, dana

  18. oh what beautiful pieces! Looking forward to seeing the canvas one.

  19. Very lovely, I really enjoy seeing the whole process!

  20. I especially like the work with the prismacolour pencils.

  21. love love love your lady with the snowman, really I like a lot!!!

  22. Your sketches and painting turned out beautifully! It looks like you are enjoying your class with Tam!

  23. Anonymous2/06/2011

    so beautiful...as the name of your blog says, Beauty does indeed flow here :)

  24. Fantastic work - I love the patterns! xx

  25. Gorgeous eyes in this sketch!

  26. Thank you for sharing your process.
    The final piece is lovely and mystical.

  27. love the watercolor version with the purple tree, love all the swirls

  28. Very pretty Tammy! You are so right when you said you should make the same painting over and over again. That is how you learn. I love the inspriation. Beautiful! I love Tam too. She is so generous!

  29. Great job! You really captured the essence of Klimt. Colored pencils are not an easy medium and you have a really lovely hand with them. I am very partial to the finished acrylic piece though. Nice work.

  30. these are just delightful girlies!I love their expressions..and i especially love the wee snowman with his hat... so sweet! :)

  31. I love it! And the owl is such a great touch.

  32. fabtastic painting Tammie, love thn background...

  33. These are wonderful Tammie. Fun to see the different mediums, too.

    It looks like you are enjoying your class I love her eyes...and the snowman! enjoy your day! xxoo

  34. Hi Tammie!
    You did an excellent job with the challenge! I just love Tam's classes, she's such a good teacher!

    I love the description in your profile about living in a wee cabin, sounds magical!

    Thanks for your visit as well :)

  35. Hi Tammie, I love these, really like the color with her green eyes and the process you go through. take care.

  36. I love seeing all the stages and your final painting is wonderful.

  37. Beautiful inspirations :D sometimes when we're working over and over at the same subject, we will take out the excess and leaving the core of it. The artwork ends up so much stronger :D Even though I do love your sketches, but I love how her feminism being brought out much more in the later piece!

  38. WOW! I love all of these, so magical. What a gift you have.

  39. My dear Tammie, all I can say, these are so beautiful. You know why.. because all your paintings come from your heart , from your beautiful heart..

  40. Beautiful! I must tell you how much I really love her face! I just adore the way you shape her eyes and nose. Marvelous! The flowers below are a wonderful, colorful touch. Love all the graceful curves!

    Can't wait to see your snail! Happy snails to youuuuu!!!

  41. Oh good heavens. I have not been here because I always look for your photographs. What secrets you hold! I love your drawing. So dreamy. You must paint these in oils!

  42. Interesting how she changes, They're both lovely. Very definite Klimt influence with the painting but still you - although she looks sadder than your usual women. I'm sure this was a useful exercise for you and would love to see how she turns out on the canvas.

  43. WOW! Your work reminds me of some of the wonderful artists of old. There's a nostalgic feel to what you do which fascinates me.

    This is just lovely.

  44. I love Klimt...and I love your interpretation...I really love her face. The poem is beautiful...I can feel nature in both.


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