Jul 7, 2012


with a wand
life is charmed
recently i found the above piece in sketch form
and changed it quite a bit
fun how if we create one day a piece looks a certain way
and if we create another day 
an entirely new inspiration!

 recently i came across this piece that i did as a child:

Scratch art

I forgot I drew things like this when i was a child
funny, my art has not changed all that much

Joining Sofia's: Sunday Sketches


  1. She is beautiful Tammie... her eyes are so soulful... and I love the drawing you did as a child... what a fabulous treasure...

    Jenny x

  2. Very nice. I like it!!

  3. both the drawings are beautiful!!! ^_^
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Both drawings are lovely!
    Have a great Sunday!

  5. Anonymous7/08/2012

    His art is strong ...
    Friend, the art takes you in and hit a fairy with her ​​magic wand ...
    Your drawing is beautiful ...
    And the other one too!
    Tammie kisses!

  6. she's so sweet, and so was your earlier piece!

  7. very sweet sketch - i like her big brown eyes.
    scratch art is fun, too! my kids LOVE doing that.

  8. Funnily enough, my entry this week was also made from coming across some half started page and then finally getting the inspiration to finish off.

    I like your wand. What's her name? Perhaps she should be Wanda?

  9. Anonymous7/08/2012

    How cute! I love the way you did the sky. And I really like the scratch art piece from your childhood, too. I loved to do scratch art when I was a kid! I don't have any of my childhood art, though. I don't think anyone saved any of it.

  10. Similar yet recent one is much more sophisticated ~ both are wonderful ~ she is sooooo pretty and magical ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  11. oh, what a wonderful and whimsical cutie! Love it!

  12. lovely pieces Tammie, I guess one's style never changes!

  13. The fairy is adorable! Her wand reminds me of Candy Land, yum. ^.^

    -:¦:- Art Update: Clematis Drawing -:¦:-

  14. I still draw the same subjects i did as a kid too! Great wand!

  15. Aaah I love seeing artist's drawings from childhood. I posted one a little while back because I made a doll out of her so I could have her on my desk forever.
    I love the top drawing too Tammie!

  16. What a cutie! You know, I think I drew a lot of girls when I was young too... It's incredible to see how our art has evolved, isn't it? :)

  17. I love your perception in the wand...it feels magickal! :)

    I especially loved your childhood drawing and yes, while you've evolved your signature dna, your art gene flows through till now.
    I love the way you draw and your subjects, Tammie. Sometimes I wish I could sit and watch your processes.

    Have a Happy Sunday!

  18. Anonymous7/08/2012

    Oh, so you have always been an artist. That explains your talented work.

    I never got to do scratch art. Guess I will have to give it a try.

  19. i think it's those drawings we held on to from childhood that inspires us as an adult. so glad you were able to find your sketch and find inspiration for the new drawing. the eyes convey such emotion. you did very well. have a great day~

  20. Hi Tammie..so very beautiful/she is gorgeous....and wow..so touching to see art from your childhood..fabulous and magical!!( just like you!)

  21. How lovely to have shared your work from your childhood... it has a similar sweet quality, delightful to see that your art is still essentially "you"...xx

  22. oh, it's so fun to watch the processes of the past v. of the future! I love the girl looks lovely love the magical staff!

  23. How fantastic to have something you created as a child still!!

    I love this piece, the clouds in the sky are beautiful.

  24. What an adorable fairy, I just think she's so cute.


  25. What an intriguing observation from your childhood. You certainly know what you love :)

  26. That is a brilliant posting. I like both the pieces, thanks for showing us. I think I will go and see what I've got now.

  27. Oh wow, I love both of them. The now and then art, there both gorgeous. You have been talented all your life! Natually talented!

  28. She's beautiful Tammie. Yes, you were still drawing girls with flowers in 1969! I love your 1969 signature!
    Wishing you a lovely week.

  29. very charming work here. happy summer!

  30. I like your drawing, I wish I could have a wand.. ;D She is looking so happy, so satisfied..

    and the clouds above.. shaped as a bird!

    it's fun to look to the clouds, they (as our pieces of drawings) change, from the one creation to the other.. :))

  31. and no, I have never heard about the book *women running with the wolves*. who is the author?

  32. and I FORGOT

    to comment about your drawing from you were a girl, what a very beautiful piece Tammie! :)

  33. wow. This piece is darling, and then to see what you've done as a child. Great talent, and yes, still similar. Love this post!

  34. I absolutely adore your scratch art.

  35. Your girls are so sweet! I love your childhood drawing!


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~