Jan 24, 2018

Fungi Fantasy Landscape

it is so nice
how i can count on
fantasy fungi drawing/painting
to be enjoyable


I have put hours of time into the following piece:

I can't find my way to the end of it. 
There is (imitation) gold leaf, texture, layers of shading, work on details in hair and background.
She was enjoyable, but.....

does that ever happen to you? 
in anything you do?


  1. the fantasy fungi piece is very soft and pretty looking :

    love the background on the bottom piece

    that happens to me all the time, probably why I try to have so much going on at the same time. If I get stuck with a piece, move to another one. so i have ALOT of unfinished art lol

    1. Nice to know that I have company with unfinished pieces. Or in this case not knowing where to go with it.

      Thanks for enjoying them.

  2. So nice! I enjoy the lovely fungi and flowers playing in that fantasy face with little star eyes and a mushroom nose. Those your drawings make me feel that spring is coming soon here!

    1. I think the top piece reminds me of spring as well.

  3. What a light fungi-drawing! I see a heart closed by two stars...

    "Everlasting painting": Those points are really (everyone!) sat on the right place! Not ANY person and not EVERY person is possible to put them on the right place! This needs a lot of experience and sensitivity.

    Sometimes it happens, that a painting of mine awakes after years and starts its way to its better form...

    I think we never will be finished....

    1. Ah, you are so kind Dori. Thank you for enjoying the top piece and sharing your thoughts.

      I love that thought... years later a piece calls for more attention.
      The other night I opened a sketchbook and added to a number of drawings in it.

    2. There also are paintings, which do not allow to change them anyway, because they are living eternal windows....

      This thought I had this morning thinking about the phenomenon of completing a drawing....

  4. Oh yeah. It happens. And sometimes you just pack it up and move on. Not toss it -- because you never know when the thought will occur.

    Your fungi made me think of spring. I need that now!

    1. It is my pleasure to give you a glimpse of spring in the depth of winter Jeanie.

  5. Your fungi is gorgeous, and I love your second piece too! I have an acrylic that I simply just hung up as is. I started working on it over a year ago and to me anyway, it's simply a background colour with a lovely idea just waiting to be painted on it!

    1. Fun that you have a background on the wall that will someday show you your next step.

      Thank you for enjoying them!

  6. Oh wowwww, she's beautiful! All those wonderful textures, it's no wonder you want to keep on going! I am immediately smitten by her lovely grey eyes. And the fungi piece had me swooning! The delicate, little pink blooms are absolutely gorgeous! So lifelike. Applause, applause, applause.

    1. Thank you for enjoying her Bella.
      Ah, and thank you for enjoying the floral fungi piece. They bring me peace to create.

  7. Bonjour chère Tammie,

    J'aimerais bien avoir le teint de cette belle gracieuse jeune femme !... Des nuances de couleurs fantastiques !
    De la fraîcheur à souhait !
    Une belle note d'optimisme avec cette farandole de champignons... Une oeuvre qui inspire le printemps peut-être !

    Gros bisous

    1. I agree, a feeling of spring and summer in the floral fungi piece.
      Seems each season sometimes reminds us of another.

  8. I like the contrast between the straight stem of the fungi and the elegant curve of the flowers. Yes, I know how it is to work for hours on a piece and never really have the feeling it's done. She's beautiful though, and she has a very wise expression on her face.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts on straight mixed with curves. Fun to consider.
      Nice to have your company with art.... being complete or not.

  9. Love the fantasy fungi and the portrait! Yes, I have found myself in the same situation.. Think this happens to us all at one time or another. Step away and come back at a later time. I think it's beautiful!

    1. Thank you for your thoughts Penny. Yes, sometimes coming back to a piece later in time can inspire the next step.
      Thank you for enjoying them.

  10. Your art is so beautiful...

    -happy sigh-


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