Jan 6, 2023


 do you ever

take pencil to paper and see where it leads you?

then sit back and take it to heart 


interpret how it moves you?


prepare a meal and plate it up

then sit back and take it to heart and see how it moves you?

or watch the wind inspire the trees to dance 

and interpret some special meaning for you or about life?

I enjoy doing this. 

it is a bit like drawing a card for its message. 

This young lad closed his eyes and settled within,

energy centers tangibly gained vibrance.

I hope to sketch more often

even daily, just for fun, just to see what shows up on the page. 

Then to consider its meaning for me. 

Does this drawing have a personal meaning for you?




  1. Follow the wings of Spirit and you find energy and peace in your soul - - - This is the message for me in this drawing and text.

    1. That is lovely, thank you for sharing that with me/us.

    2. This makes me happy, dear Tammie! Best greetings from art to art and heart to heart - -

  2. Lovely drawing, thoughtful text. To me, this reads as the need for humility to receive the wisdom that ignites are our hearts and voices. Will be thinking about this one for a while...

    1. Thank you for considering. I think I could have written/explained it better, but this is how it came out the first time.

  3. Yes, I do the same thing, especially when I'm out in nature. This piece does speak to me. This person has light in his mind, thoughts, speech, and heart. And having light and sharing it with others surely fills us with goodness. Thank you for sharing your art with us, Tammie Lee. Yes, keep sketching, my friend.


    1. Yes, nature can inspire this. Thank you for enjoying this post.

  4. Such a gorgeous sketch...I love the ethereal feeling and softness..almost like there is a candlelit glow all around. Very beautiful work! and I love the illuminating thoughts.. I always enjoy visiting your world.

  5. Bonjour chère fée,

    Invités par Eole, j'aime voir danser les arbres lorsque je me promène. Alors entre dans la danse la lumière. Quel beau spectacle nous offre alors la nature ! Ton personnage a avalé l'ensemble de ces éléments... Une belle lumière intérieure...

    Gros bisous bisous

    1. Such a lovely message, thank you so much. Yes to the wind in the trees.

  6. I thought of satisfaction with this drawing.
    To dreams in the light of the stars.

    Very nice Tammie.

  7. Your wonderful sketch shows me introverted and a warming charisma. Yes, I also like to use your words to describe how you feel about everything you're doing.
    hug Elke

  8. This is beautiful. :) It reminds me of the feeling I get when I meditate.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~